T. +27 11 613 3046 | E. sales1@cobraprojects.com

Cobra Off-Road Low Loaders

Cobra Off-Road Low Loaders

Built under licence and launched in the latter half of 2018, our off-road lowbed trailers are rear-loading heavy equipment loaders, designed specifically to facilitate short distance repositioning of tracked equipment in a mining environment. 

With 10% grade capability, the rapid loading and unloading process is controlled with a simple 3-button remote-control, and can be performed in less than 5 minutes by a single operator.  The load capacities of these trailers range from 120-450 ton. 

The traction capability of the prime mover can be enhanced with the addition of weight to the prime mover rear axle.  This is achieved by mounting a steel or concrete weight on the prime mover chassis rails.  The retro-fitment of such a weight is a relatively simple exercise should it be required.

The braking system is engineered and certified to ISO3450:2011, float life is in excess of 50,000 hours, and expected operational life is 20 years.

Online Technical Support

Customer and unit specific service manuals are available to clients online.

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Minimise downtime

Single operator

Time saving