Our Water Bowsers are custom designed and extensively tested to ensure optimum weight distribution and performance on any chassis, no matter how tough the environment or challenge. Designed with a low centre of gravity for increased stability and safety, our equipment provides peace of mind for both managers and operators alike.
Yes, all COBRA products are both designed and manufactured on site at our factory in Steeledale, Johannesburg, South Africa.
COBRA is licensed to manufacture a broad range of QMW mining support equipment including Man baskets, Fan Service work platforms, and ANFO work platforms.
Yes, our dedicated Water Wash trucks are designed to simultaneously clean booms, tracks, platforms, and specific work areas, by using multiple high pressure and high volume washing outlets.
Recovery Tow Links are used for towing disabled rigid load and haul dump trucks, behind a similar truck, of sufficient size, in a safe manner. We also offer optional Auxilliary Power Units (APUs) to provide auxilliary hydraulic power to steering, and electrical power for lights and brake modulation. APUs can also be used to provide hydraulic power for unloading a disabled loaded truck, to make towing easier, and to serve as a portable 35 Amp-24 Volt DC battery charger.
COBRA's Fuel & Lube Trucks, or Mining Service Trucks, offer multi-product combinations, customisable functions and volumes, high flow rate dispensing, fast filling, and optional hydraulic or self-powered options. Robust and versatile, COBRA Service Trucks significantly minimise service time of bottleneck machinery on site, and perform a critical role in supporting vital equipment in the field.
Yes, COBRA is an OEM approved body builder for most on-highway truck brands, including Caterpillar.
Cobra hose reels, designed and manufactured in South Africa by our sister company Cobratech, are used exclusively across all our applications.
Our FCC19 FOPS trailer-mounted, remote control command centre, is fully fitted out with Sandvik remote control operating system to control two Sandvik Leopard DI 650i drills. These cabins are certified to ISO 3449 level II.
Our sister company, Cobratech, supplies us with RAASM pneumatic grease and fluid pumps, which we use exclusively across all our mining support equipment.
Our sister company, Cobratech, supplies us with Piusi metering and oil control systems which are used exclusively across all our applications.
Yes, we offers both operational and maintenance competence training onsite.
The WIESEL is our water and diesel combo, with the respective tank capacities totally dependent on chassis make and model.
Earthridge Engineering Solutions is a Botswana-based company and an authorised agent for Cobra Projects. Earthridge also provides site support and maintenance activities on mining equipment across Botswana, with unconditional support from Cobra in terms of technical and operational skills development within the Earthridge team itself.
We recently delivered an off-road bush firefighting truck that is appropriate for many environments other than mining. Click through to our video on YouTube to view our latest firefighting truck in action.
COBRA hose reels have a compact modular design, water resistant hose guide assembly, sealed main bearings, a power spring manufactured from scaleless blue tempered springsteel, high duty cycle inlet swivel, and high flow main shaft assembly.
COBRA is the sole distributor of Elkhart Brass products in South Africa, using Elkhart Brass monitors, handline nozzles, and accessories exclusively across all of our water carts, water wash units, and firefighting applications. Contact us directly for our full product range and pricing.
COBRA manufactures a smaller field service module suitable for daily support of lighting plants, cell towers, remote machines and water pump stations. This field service module is highly suited to the Iveco Daily chassis, offer full PTO hydraulic operation, multi-product dispensing, and good flow rate of filtered product.
Cathodic protection is used to protect steel from corrosion which is caused when two dissimilar metals are submerged in an electrolytic substance such as water, soil, or concrete. This type of metal conducting path between the two dissimilar metals allows a pathway through which free electrons move from the more active metal (anode) to the less active metal (cathode). If free electrons from the anode do not reach active sites on the cathode before the arrival of oxygen, ions at the active sites can then recombine to produce ferrous hydroxide, i.e. rust.
Also known by the term DLV, this defines the volume occupied by the person that may not be penetrated by a protective structure, in accordance with the prescribed ISO 3164 standard.
COBRA's Water Bowsers offer a range of capacities from 18KL up to a remarkable 190KL.
Due to the multiple different types of hoses on the market and the many varieties of applications, it is important to understand the environment where the hose will fit, the working pressure, the temperature, and type of material running through it. Based on this data our sister company CobraTech will gladly recommend the correct hose type for your specific application. Contact +27 11 568 0732 or email info@cobratech.co.za for further info.
Go to Cobra's Home page to view our partners and the companies with which we have formed alliances.
We have recently manufactured our first QMW stemming buckets under licence with more orders in the pipeline!